Saturday, July 13, 2013

I have a follower! Yeah! I'm moving on up. 

I am a writer and avid reader. I am not one to give writing advice - that's what my editor is for. This blog is for fun only and maybe a serious topic here and there. So on that note, I am thinking of asking some of my favorite authors to do a guest spot on here. If any of my follower - hehe - or anyone just lurking wants to be a guest here are the rules.

1) You have to have a book published or if it is your debut, it must be edited and ready to go live within 30 days.

2) Your word count must be 50K or more, unless you're writing for Middle grade or younger. Please no novellas unless you have a series that adds up to 50K or more.

2) You have to be willing to post an excerpt of your work. A page or two will do

3).You must be willing to post your interview on your Facebook page, or Twitter or Google+ or Linkedin. If you're ashamed of me, then I'm ashamed of you and you can't be on my blog so there!

4) You have to be kind to other authors who post, we're all in this together. 

If you want to make a pit stop here on your blog tours, then please let me know and I will send you a list of questions and we'll set up a date for you to be on.

     Atty Eve Spikenard


  1. Popping over from FB. Interesting idea, interviewing authors/guest blogging. I'll bookmark your blog *nice one, btw* for another day. :)

  2. Hi there! Love your digs, and attics are the most fun places to hang out. Great choice!

  3. thanks guys, still figuring this thing out.


I love feedback so take time to just say HI!